Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer 2011

Wow!! I am becoming such a slacker on updating this blog. I have gotten so used to posting everything on facebook and then forget to come and update this site. Oh well, at least I have gotten to it now I guess! It has been almost a year and things are still going very well for us. We love living in Saint Joseph and all of the fun things there are to do around the area. The kids have really taken to the area well also. Coby finished his first year of pre school and loved it. He will start four year old pre school three days a week starting in september and brady will start three year old pre school at the same school two days a week at the same time. We have had a pretty calm summer going to the beach, swimming in our friends pool and just hanging out. We did make a trip to the zoo near Chicago which was a lot of fun for the boys despite the rain ( we have the hardest time dodging rain when it comes to going to the zoo). Also, the four of us took a day trip to Chicago taking the train and then visiting Rainforest Cafe, Navy Pier and the Chicago children's museum. This was a lot of fun but also very exhausting for us being our first day trip there. We are planning a little over a week long trip home to Ohio mid August which we are very much looking forward to also. Next up is the boys and I's baptism on August 14th which we are very excited for also.

We do have some exciting news that we are expecting a fifth member of our family in January!!! I am 15 weeks pregnant and we will find out the sex of the baby in about five more weeks. We are very excited and have been looking forward to having another baby added to our family for a while now!

I am posting some pjdgictures from the summer and hopefully will update again soon!

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